
Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Hi Paulo - Looks like I dropped by at just the right time. I was thinking that perhaps you might have re-opened for "business" temporarily, and I was correct. While I realize that preparing for an extended cruise is more interesting than almost anything else, this has been a very exciting time of racing, including the Solitaire and the VOR training activities. Unfortunately, I was not able to get to Newport or NYC to visit the Turkish/American entry, but there has been a lot of social media activity from them, as well as from the ladies on SCA. Of course, we have the Tour de France a la Voile (and that other TdF with bicycles) just about to start, and the Mini Fastnet is just around the corner.

My own sailing has been limited to racing the J/70 on weekends and the Mumm/Farr 30 on Wednesday evenings. I did get an opportunity to race on an Archambault 40RC a few weeks ago, and that was interesting. Perhaps because of the conditions I was not as impressed by the boat as I expected to be - not a lot of wind and very little competition. Down below it is nice but nothing special. I actually found the A35 (previous version) more impressive, even though I didn't get a chance to actually sail on it.

Nothing special planned for the rest of the summer. Some J/70 events and perhaps a few Laser regattas. But I am thinking very seriously about cruising, with a possible Passport 40 delivery from San Francisco to San Diego, then on to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, sometime next year (dates TBD). I am setting a target for myself of commencing a circumnavigation in 2020, when I will be 60 years old. Obviously, I would be happier to leave now, but circumstances are preventing it. For my 60th birthday, I will be giving myself "no more excuses" as a birthday gift. :)

Hope your cruising goes smoothly and is totally enjoyable!

Best regards,


Hi!!!, nice to hear from you :-). Me and Isabel are finally cruising and yesterday we went out of the boat for the first time in 9 days. We come out of Rome (Fumicino) with thunderstorms and raining along the way, anchored for the night on Ponza, Cape Palimuro, Lipari, Cape Spartivento and made it from there directly to Zakinthos Island, Greece. Some nice sailing on the way, quite conservatively  I would say (never went over 12K) but good wind most of the time, From 25K to 8K.

Regarding your circumnavigation I would say that you should start first cruising with your wife to find out what you (and she) like. Me it is a good day sailing with a nice cove for anchoring at the end of the day, for a nice sea bath and enjoy dinner with a scenery or alternatively a nice remote small place with a nice Taverna waiting for me. Not that I mind to sail for several days but I just prefer the other way around and my wife positively detests to sail straight more than a couple of days.

Anyway, next year I will be sailing much more the other way around since I plan to sail to the Atlantic Islands before bringing the boat to Portugal.

That invitation for a week cruising with us on my sailboat is still pending, so if you are interested in finding out what we like as cruising, you are welcomed.

Best Regards


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