
Sunday, July 20, 2014


It makes a lot of sense, even more than the 38: A 35ft boat has not much interior space, and interior space in a small boat is never too much for cruising. The Oceanis 35 offers the interior space of many 38ft for the price of a smaller boat and with no significant loss in performances (regarding a 35ft boat) with an increased stability and offering sailing with reduced heeling. 

The performance upwind (and with very light winds) will probably be slightly worse (and more uncomfortable upwind with waves) than a more conventional sailboat but the performance at 60ยบ (with medium to strong winds) and over will be probably better and with less roll (downwind). A miracle? no, just Finot/Conq applying to cruising boats what they have learned designing for 30 years open solo race boats. 

Do I have any doubt? Yes, more on the 38 (were the size will increase the problem) than on the 35: The boat has no forward bulkhead, at least one that word mention. Structurally it is possible to pass without it but the hull has to be reinforced and even so I bet that the hull will flex more.

Have they done it properly on a mass production inexpensive boat? Maybe and maybe that's why the 38 is an expensive boat for an Oceanis but I would have preferred a boat with a proper bulkhead. Of course that way it was not possible to have that beautiful daysailer with a big loft, but the boat would have been stronger. Even on the Oceanis 35 with a closed front cabin the bulkhead is removable so even if it adds some rigidity it will not be the same offered by a fixed bulkhead. 
The boat has a hull based on open solo racers, two rudders, a modern torpedo keel, it is not heavy (5207kg) and I am quite sure that, designed by Finot/Conq, it will sail well. Off course, it will have a simple rigging with few ways to fine tune the sails. It is not a sportive boat, even if I bet it can go fast downwind. 

A very interesting option for someone that wants a coastal cruising boat with a big interior but only has the money for a 35ft boat. I believe that Beneteau, as usual, is providing the market with the type of boats that makes more sense and is adapted to the needs of most cruisers.


  1. Hi Paolo,
    Having a dream summer in Denmark again. 25-30 degrees and sunshine every day exept one in july. And good winds. Opium is as usual passing all other boats. The Oceanis 35 will certainly be interesting to see in this autums shows.

  2. Furthermore, if the wing sail they are developing works as good as indicated it could make many of the rig remarks om the oceanis line obsolete, not to mention all conventonal boats. Asd to that the Pogo-like swing keel and things start to be really interesting.

    1. Hi Anders! Yes, certainly it will be interesting but I still have some doubts about the structural strength of the Oceanis for more than "normal" sailing. The bulkheads are only glued (not fiberglassed). The general opinion is that regarding mass market boats the Oceanis line is the one structurally less strong (not me, surveyors talk). It is not by accident that the wing sail is being developed on the Sense. If used on the Oceanis I believe they have to make a stronger hull and that will make it considerably more expensive.

  3. Yes, but they say it is going to be offered on both Sense AND Oceanis line.
