
Monday, July 21, 2014


Comar, the shipyard that makes the Comet has been very active on the last year: After the development of two new catamarans (that you can find on this blog) now they propose a bluewater boat, the kind of boat suited for a circumnavigation or to sail on high latitudes.

Better to say it in first place: I don't like it for the simple reason I find it very ugly.
Being a bluewater boat is no reason to make an ugly boat and Comet is known to make beautiful boats. Too much freeboard, huge port hulls and an ugly cabin are the main reasons for my dislike. The boat is even uglier then the one made by Garcia for Jimmy Cornell.

Certainly the boat has qualities: I can see that the winches are well set up for solo sailing, that the hull has a nice shape, that the boat is light (11500kg) has a big B/D ratio, with a ballast of 4800kg and a variable draft (swing keel 1.60/3.50m). It has a cutter configuration with enough sail area and it is strong, with a clever structure, made with infusion of vinilester resins, Kevlar and carbon with a crash box at the bow. Has a big tankage (680l diesel, 440L water) and a big carrying load (4.500kg)......
But it has to be so ugly????

The design team is a big one: Pierpaolo Ballarini, H3O, studio Arcore, Smar Azur for the rig and sails, STYachts with Doug Schckler e Davide Tagliapietra for the keel and rudder; Comar Yacht for the interior.... I wonder why the hell they did not command it to Marc Lombard, that has experience with this type of boats (RM) and has designed for Comar the two beautiful catamarans, has never made an ugly boat and contrary to Pierpaolo Ballarini has a long list of successful designs?

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