
Sunday, July 6, 2014


La Solitaire de Figaro is coming down to the wire, with legendary Jeremy Beyou holding a narrow 15 minute lead over Corentin Horeau. Two other boats are within striking distance, assuming JB doesn't have any major failure. And, to my personal satisfaction, Figaro rookie Gwenole Gahinet is sitting in 13th spot, the top novice in this year's edition (though with Artemis' Sam Matson less than 30 minutes behind on cumulative time). I think Gahinet is going to be a big star in a year or so, though perhaps not as massively gifted as Francois Gabart. Going to be a very exciting finish to this race. Much, much more exciting than the Newport-Bermuda Race or the Singlehanded Transpac Race. :)

I don't think you can compare both races. La Solitaire is a race for professionals, the best solo racers with equal boats, while the Bermuda race or Transpac race has more amateurs doing it then professionals and all kind of boats, from racers to oldies and full keelers.

The best professional Portuguese solo sail racer, Lobato, after winning several races in the mini circuit including a Transat (Series) has done the complete Figaro circuit and even if in some legs he managed to arrive in 2th (and that is very good) was so disgusted with his overall comparative performance that decided to take a break from professional sailing. I think he was expecting to be a top player but to be the best among the best is not an easy thing. By the way I am very curious about what Lobato is doing. He put a stop (I hope provisionally) to his professional sailing carer, but he is also a NA, so I am hoping nice things from him.

Back to la Solitaire du Figaro, raced on Beneteau Figaro:

"Il va falloir que je me déchire pour gagner l... por lasolitairedufigaro

Après le match, la course reprend ses droits por lasolitairedufigaro

Jérémie Beyou passe la ligne en vainqueur ! por lasolitairedufigaro

 I agree that Gahinet made a great race, for a first timer, but the winner is a favorite of mine, Jeremy Beyou. Give it a competitive boat for the next Vendee Globe and I bet he will be a top contender.

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